Bedi’s work broadly explores the emerging fields of transport anthropology and the anthropology of infrastructure. She focused on what happens to people’s lives and livelihoods in Asia when urban infrastructures change, particularly with the travel between Singapore and Mumbai. Her project examined the social life of transport infrastructures in the city of Mumbai through the lens of the taxi trade. In 2013, she gave a lecture highlighting her work on “The Cultural Life of Motoring: Taxi Drivers, Infrastructural Aesthetics and Urban Subject in Mumbai.” She is writing a book, “Everyday Technologies of the Urban: The Cultural Life of Motoring in Asia” based on her research. In April 2014, she presented her most recent work, “Motoring, Materiality, and Policing Mobility in Bombay/Mumbai’s Taxi Trade” for the Means of Transport: Technology Mobility and Energy in Modern Asia workshop at Harvard University.
Faculty Profile »
Means of Transport: Technology, Mobility, and Energy in Modern Asia »
Violence, Infrapolitics and Everyday Insurgencies in Peri-Urban Mumbai »
Trans-Urban Imaginaries of Transport: Urban Labor and the Taxi Trade in Mumbai and Manila/Singapore Style »