Community Development

Lawndale Service Area Databook

Lawndale Service Area Databook

The information contained in this databook makes it clear: diminished opportunities, both economic and educational, are having an adverse impact on the quality of life in North Lawndale and point to the need for substantial investments in the community.

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Public Spending, By the People: Participatory Budgeting in the United States and Canada in 2014-15

Author: Public Agenda Abstract: From 2014 to 2015, more than 70,000 residents across the United States and Canada directly decided how their cities and districts should spend nearly $50 million in public funds through a process known as participatory budgeting (PB). PB is among the fastest growing forms of public […]

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The Civics of Community Development: Participatory Budgeting in Chicago

Authors: Rachel Weber, Thea Crum & Eduardo Salinas (2015) Abstract: We investigate the relationship between community organizations and the implementation of a multi-ward participatory budgeting (PB) process in Chicago. Drawing on observations and surveys administered during 2012–2013, we find that participation in PB varied across the four wards, as did […]

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Jóvenes Sin Fronteras: Latino Youth Take Action for Social Justice & Well-Being GCP-09-01

The purpose of this paper is to present a participatory evaluation using an empowerment framework to demonstrate how a local, urban cultural center for youth fosters (1) Latino Unity and positive youth development among participants; (2) youth led action and organizational empowerment, (3) positive community connectedness and community-building and (4) broader societal connectedness and social justice.

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Engaged Scholarship at the University GCP-07-04

The complex relationship between the university and the city provides the context for this chapter, which explores not only the changing nature of scholarship in the metropolitan research university, but how its changing intellectual climate should, in turn, change our conception of writing instruction for students who attend college in the city.

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