Michael Dear et al's "LA School" builds on a critique of the old Chicago school. This paper extends the discussion by incorporating broader theories about how cities work, stressing culture and politics.
From Hunger Strike to High School: Youth Development, Social Justice and School Formation GCP-05-01
The following project seeks to identify the attempt of two communities (one Mexican-American, one African-American) to authentically involve young people in the development and planning process of a community high school.
How Community Development Education Can Build Capacity: The Case of the Urban Developers Program
This article examines three different approaches to delivering community development education-- workshops and short courses, traditional professional education programs, and hybrid programs-- to enhance different forms of CDC capacity.
The Politics of School Desegregation in Oak Park, Illinois GCP-00-1
Oak Park, Illinois, has more than 30 years of experience with policies expressly aimed at maintaining an integrated community. The policies address issues in housing, education, public safety, and economic development that policy makers believe contribute to resegregation.
Esperanza Familiar: A University-Community Partnership in the Settlement House Tradition GCP-98-4
This paper uses a network analysis to study the emergence of a communityuniversity partnership in Chicago's Pilsen community.
Gender Issues in the Construction of Scientific Knowledge: Inquiry into a 6th Grade Urban Classroom GCP-97-5
In this paper, we share with our readers preliminary data and analyses that point towards some themes that relate gender issues with the teaching and learning of science within our specific conceptual framework.