Great Cities Congratulates Chicago’s New Mayor

As Brandon Johnson is sworn in today as Chicago’s New Mayor, staff of the Great Cities Institute are serving on his transition committees. Juan González, Senior Fellow at GCI, is serving on the Transition Committee while GCI Director, Teresa Córdova, is serving on the Subcommittee on Economic Vitality and Equity, and Kathryn Bocanegra, Faculty Fellow at GCI, is serving as Co-Chair of the Public Safety Subcommittee.

Many of our partners and friends throughout the city and state are also serving on various committees, demonstrating the selection of a wide range of individuals and organizations. We predict that that values of accountability and equity will be represented in the actionable recommendations that will be included in the transition plan that will be completed by mid-June.

Other UIC faculty on various committees include Barbara Ransby (Co-Chair, Transition Committee); Renee Hatcher (Economic Vitality and Equity); Elizabeth Todd-Breland (Education); April Jackson (Housing); Liat Ben-Moshe (Human Rights, Equity, and Inclusion).

There are many challenges facing Chicago and other larger metropolitan areas. We look forward to making contributions to the efforts to find solutions and avenues for creating a city that works for everyone.