In this issue: GCI Wins IPCE Grant for Participatory Budgeting Project Evaluation, New CNM Partnership, Feature: The West Side Domestic Abuse Program, a GCI Seed Fund Project, Publications, New Podcasts
Newsletter Archive
Our newsletters provide up-to-date information about the events and research undertaken at the Great Cities Institute.
April/May 2012
In this issue: Upcoming Event, New CNM Course, Feature: The Fiscal Policy Space of Cities Project, Trkla Fund awarded to GCI Research Assistant Ian Ludwig, UICNI 2011 Community Benefit Report Released, New Podcasts
March/April 2012
In this issue: Upcoming Events, Feature: GCI Civic Leadership Program, New CNM Course, Participatory Budgeting Project Partnership, Research
February/March 2012
In this issue: Upcoming Events, Feature: New Neighborhoods Initiative Project - MEND, Social Media, In the News, Publications
January 2012
In this issue: Feature: Metropolitan Sustainability Program, CNM Launches New Online Courses, Social Media, Research and Service, In the News
December 2011
In this issue: Informational Session on GCI Faculty Scholar Competition, GCI Launches Training Program on Sustainable Fund Development, New CNM Course Offerings, Previous GCI Faculty Scholar To Publish in URISA Journal, Current GCI Faculty Scholars Give Talks Nationwide, Podcasts, Social Media
November 2011
In this issue: Upcoming Events, Cynthia Barnes-Boyd Named National Chair of CCPH, Russian Delegation Visits GCI, Podcasts, In the News, Social Media
September 2011
In this issue: Upcoming Events, GCI Fellow Tom Lyons Presents Latest Research, Podcasts, Research and Publications, Social Media
July/August 2011
In this issue: Upcoming Events, Faculty Scholar Team Awarded Pilot Grant, In memory of Steve Sander, CNM Faculty Book Review, In the Media, Research and Publications
May/June 2011
In this issue: Weber Joins Mayor’s Task Force on TIF Reform, Podcasts, Upcoming Courses in the Certificate of Nonprofit Management Program, GCI Fellow Awarded Best Planning Article in China, Media, Research and Publications