City of Chicago

Lawndale Service Area Databook

Lawndale Service Area Databook

The information contained in this databook makes it clear: diminished opportunities, both economic and educational, are having an adverse impact on the quality of life in North Lawndale and point to the need for substantial investments in the community.

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Industrial Restructuring and the Continuing Impact on Youth Employment in Illinois

This report provides a more detailed view of youth jobless and jobless and out of school data throughout the state of Illinois than what has been analyzed to date and has findings that have implications for the direction of future policy aimed at improving employment conditions for young people.

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Housing Market Data in Cook County, Chicago and its Neighborhoods – November 2016 Update

Authors Matthew D. Wilson Abstract In 2016, issues of affordable and accessible housing permeate the national debate on housing. While national housing policy has made strides towards making quality housing attainable for all, the current state of the housing and mortgage market require innovative policy solutions. This report was prepared […]

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Can Chicago Make It As a Global City? GCP-00-2

Is Chicago an international city? Of course it is. It has been ever since the second half of the nineteenth century: (1) when it was British bond investments that funded the rail lines to open the prairies and the west to the New York port; (2) when midwest corn and wheat began to supply Europe's bakeries; and (3) when new techniques of curing and refrigeration permitted the delivery of Chicago's meat to distant and even foreign markets.

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