Author Matthew D. Wilson Abstract Data tables for out of school and out of work 16 to 19 and 20 to 24 year olds in Chicago and Cook County for 2013-2017 5-year ACS estimates. Full Text (PDF) »
Race Issues
The High Costs for Out of School and Jobless Youth in Chicago and Cook County
Abandoned in their Neighborhoods: Youth Joblessness amidst the Flight of Industry and Opportunity
Why these schools? Explaining school closures in Chicago, 2000-2013
Authors Rachel Weber, Ph.D. Stephanie Farmer, Ph.D. Mary Donoghue Abstract Our study sheds light on the multiple, often conflicting interests that school districts must balance to plan for the capital needs of school-age populations. We investigate the factors that led to the closure of public schools in Chicago between 2000 […]
Insecure Communities: Latino Perceptions of Police Involvement in Immigration Enforcement
This report presents findings from a survey of Latinos regarding their perceptions of law enforcement authorities in light of the greater involvement of police in immigration enforcement.
Troubled Assets: Financial Emergencies and Racialized Risk GCP-10-01
This paper argues that new state strategies towards financial volatility have created dramatic new forms for the racialization of credit risk.
Jóvenes Sin Fronteras: Latino Youth Take Action for Social Justice & Well-Being GCP-09-01
The purpose of this paper is to present a participatory evaluation using an empowerment framework to demonstrate how a local, urban cultural center for youth fosters (1) Latino Unity and positive youth development among participants; (2) youth led action and organizational empowerment, (3) positive community connectedness and community-building and (4) broader societal connectedness and social justice.
So called Girl-on-Girl Violence is Actually Adult-on-Girl Violence GCP-05-03
As arrests of girls for violent offenses rose in the 1990s, public concern about adolescent girls’ aggression grew around the notion of girl-on-girl violence. This research briefly explores that idea and argues that young women are indeed experiencing violence, but not necessarily from each other, as much as from the effects of racism, sexism, misogyny, homophobia, and poverty.
From Hunger Strike to High School: Youth Development, Social Justice and School Formation GCP-05-01
The following project seeks to identify the attempt of two communities (one Mexican-American, one African-American) to authentically involve young people in the development and planning process of a community high school.
Playing with Race in Transnational Space: Rethinking Mestizaje GCI-04-01
Race and ethnicity have a complex history in the New World, in the confrontation of Europeans, and Africans, with Indians. After the Spanish conquest of Mexico, a hierarchical society based on caste, or “race,” was established, with Spaniards at the top, followed by castas (mixed bloods of various types), then Indians, and then Africans.