Authors Joshua Drucker, Associate Professor, Department of Urban Planning and Policy, University of Illinois at Chicago Carla Maria Kayanan, Post-Doctoral Researcher, School of Geography, University College Dublin Henry Renski, Associate Professor, Department of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Massachusetts Amherst Abstract Innovation districts are a relatively new strategy […]
Policy Recommendations for Amendments to the State of Illinois Worker Cooperative Statute
Making Sense of Renaissance 2010 School Policy in Chicago: Race, Class, and the Cultural Politics of Neoliberal Urban Restructuring GCP-09-02
Chicago has long been a focus of national attention on urban education policy, and its latest plan to remake public education is no exception.
Joint Environmental and Cost Efficiency Analysis of the Electricity Production Industry: Applying the Materials Balance Condition GCP-09-03
The electricity generation industry produces a substantial proportion of the greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change in the United States and globally.
From Immigration Assimilation to Metropolitan Regeneration and Transformation: Notes and Reflections on the Processes of Immigrant Settlement and Metropolitan Change in Chicago Today GCP-04-02
Anthony Orum Professor, Department of Sociology University of Illinois at Chicago Abstract United States. As of the year, 2002, more than 32 million new residents, or approximately 11 per cent of the total population, had been added in this manner to the population of the United States (U.S. Census, February […]
Principles and Practices for Creating Systems Reform in Urban Workforce Development GCP-99-2
This brief provides advice for state and local governments as they define their One-Stop Employment Centers and broader workforce development systems.
Social Mobility Along the Continuum of Care GCP-98-3
The homeless problem now enjoys a settled if marginal place in U.S. domestic policy.
The Chicago Response to Urban Problems: Building University/Community Collaborations GCP-98-5
Modern university/community relationships are sometimes marked by division and hostility.
New Directions for Central City and Suburban Development GCP-97-7
In recent years some well-known economists and political commentators have characterized cities as economically and politically irrelevant.
Analyzing Economic Integration GCP-97-11
Analysis of economic integration should evaluate the dominant form of development which emphasizes growth through exports, high capital mobility, privatization, and governmental deregulation.