The information contained in this databook makes it clear: diminished opportunities, both economic and educational, are having an adverse impact on the quality of life in North Lawndale and point to the need for substantial investments in the community.
Housing Market Data in Cook County, Chicago and its Neighborhoods – November 2016 Update
Authors Matthew D. Wilson Abstract In 2016, issues of affordable and accessible housing permeate the national debate on housing. While national housing policy has made strides towards making quality housing attainable for all, the current state of the housing and mortgage market require innovative policy solutions. This report was prepared […]
Household Stress in the Chicago Region: A multiple indicator study
Author James H. Lewis Abstract Census data can be utilized to create an index of potential household stressors comprised of 10 indicators based on 27 different items. The index was created through face validity based on available census data, with indicator constructs validated with factor analysis. Full Text PDF »
Troubled Assets: Financial Emergencies and Racialized Risk GCP-10-01
This paper argues that new state strategies towards financial volatility have created dramatic new forms for the racialization of credit risk.
Structure Is Space: 63-66, a mosaic installation at the Hilliard Apartments GCP-09-06
Creating a safe space for expression through art can forge immense opportunity for meaningful communication and sharing of space between diverse inhabitants of a specific location.
University Employer-Assisted Housing: University-Community Partnerships
The paper critically explores the potential for EAH programs to not only meet the needs of universities, but also contribute to the improvement of the communities that reside in “the shadows” of universities.
The Ecological City: Metaphor versus Metabolism GCP-07-05
In this study – a textual and visual analysis – I look at the ways the term “ecology” has been used to motivate western-style modernism in a global context and to prescribe and advance design decisions based largely in formal, compositional, and stylistic assumptions.
Optimal Leverage in Real Estate Investment with Mezzanine Lending GCP-07-02
The paper presents a theoretical analysis of the optimal leverage for the purpose of investing in real estate under the condition that borrowing in excess of a standard amount such as 70 to 80 percent of the purchase price must be accomplished through a mezzanine loan with a high rate of interest.
How Community Development Education Can Build Capacity: The Case of the Urban Developers Program
This article examines three different approaches to delivering community development education-- workshops and short courses, traditional professional education programs, and hybrid programs-- to enhance different forms of CDC capacity.
Social Mobility Along the Continuum of Care GCP-98-3
The homeless problem now enjoys a settled if marginal place in U.S. domestic policy.