The information contained in this databook makes it clear: diminished opportunities, both economic and educational, are having an adverse impact on the quality of life in North Lawndale and point to the need for substantial investments in the community.
Economic Development
Innovation Districts as a Strategy for Urban Economic Development: A Comparison of Four Cases
Authors Joshua Drucker, Associate Professor, Department of Urban Planning and Policy, University of Illinois at Chicago Carla Maria Kayanan, Post-Doctoral Researcher, School of Geography, University College Dublin Henry Renski, Associate Professor, Department of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Massachusetts Amherst Abstract Innovation districts are a relatively new strategy […]
Intervening with Aging Owners to Save Industrial Jobs: A Study Update
Authors Timothy O. Imeokparia, Ph.D., AICP Jackson C. Morsey, AICP Abstract This report presents the results of an update to a 1989 study titled “Intervening with aging owners to save industrial jobs” that assessed “the feasibility of retaining manufacturing jobs in Chicago by matching aging company owners who need successors […]
Policy Recommendations for Amendments to the State of Illinois Worker Cooperative Statute
Revitalizing Manufacturing and Expanding Opportunities for Chicago’s Black and Latino Communities
The High Costs for Out of School and Jobless Youth in Chicago and Cook County
Abandoned in their Neighborhoods: Youth Joblessness amidst the Flight of Industry and Opportunity
Prague, Tourism and the Post-Industrial City GCP-09-05
Although urban tourism has been one of the important forces shaping cities during the past few decades, most studies on the transition from the industrial to the post-industrial city focus on the shift to financial and professional services.
360 Degrees of Development: Universities as Real Estate Developers in Atlanta
However important the university may be to the city, the conditions and practices that make up the university - city relationship are not necessarily smooth or well understood. The purpose of this report is to contribute to this understanding.
Third Space Scholars: Enacting Third Space Within The Academy GCP-08-04
This paper explores the notion of 'Third Space', the space between the academy and activism. This space allows the academician to make sense of her contribution to social change.